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Treasure every moment you live in, because you never know
when will be your last.


Hello! I'm Kitty. At the age of 25 in 2023. Singaporean blogger w a huge love for camera because it has the power to capture the moment. Memories are meant to be kept forever and not to be forgotten. Might be a lil lost sometime but im going to become stronger than before. I'm also in love with travelling and its my dream to see the world.
I kinda likes sushi dates too.

Contact me @ kitgoestowork@gmail.com

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "

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Sweet Desires

Did I hear someone said "nutella" or "peanut butter"?

I got too many wishes, but let's be realistic...
I hope that the people around me will be happy...
and that they are all in the good of healthy...
to carry on walking along with me in this journey...
And this is for you, my loves.

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Friday 30 December 2016

good evening yall, today is the second last day of 2016. im deeply grateful for all the wonderful moments that has happened this year. thank you for letting the impossible happen. this will be a summary to this year.

honestly this year has been an amazing journey for me. i met alot of new friends. i realise who are the real friends and who are those that cant be trusted.. so many things have happened. i lost a sister, i lost a listening ear. i gained a learning lesson. that not everyone are meant to stay forever. so many happy moments have been created. and so many tears was lost. i guess pictures speaks more than words. so im just gonna summarise my 2016 in photos.

谢谢你出现在我青春里,有了你之后我才发现很多东西。不是每个人都会永远留在你身边。 离不开的,都是因为他们根本都不应该走。 既然是这样,为何还要留着呢?你的心既然放得下两个人,可是我不是你。 我也忍不了一辈子,如果这场恋爱对你是一个游戏那么我不玩了。我会离开,三个人在一起只会带给我们伤害,若我走了,你们就过回以前的日子。就当没认识过我吧。我很爱你,可是对不起,我还是得离开你。我也不会再等你了。 这10个月来,我很开心。很高兴是你陪我度过的,你让我是最快乐的女孩。 谢谢你爱我。 谢谢你是第一个牵着我走远路的人。谢谢你让我感觉到被最爱的人亲是多么幸福的。谢谢你在我需要拥抱的时候抱住了我。 谢谢你带我去了我想去的地方。谢谢你曾经爱过我。你是第一个会为拔壳的人,螃蟹肉很难拔你也都为我拔了。知道我喜欢吃榴莲,还会送来我家楼下给我,谢谢你。我知道你也很难受,要面对她还有我,我不想再看到你不开心了,是时候把你还给她了。 不是我的,我不会去抢了。抢到了又能怎样?你开心吗?我开心吗?她开心吗?这是我想要的吗?和你一起快一年了,我才发现你有多少秘密瞒着我,我没那么多勇气去面对了。谢谢你爱过我,谢谢你让我的2016年过得那么快乐。 有你抱着我睡那个安全感都是真的。可是我也在那一刻发现了还有另一个她更需要你。 她很需要你,你不要让她再是一个人了。 我不会再出现在你生命里,你也把我给忘了吧。有些话只有用心才能听得到的,可惜这些话你永远都听不到....

♥ Embrace the magic